Nursery Admissions
If you have a child who will be 3 before 1st September 2025 and you would like them to attend St John Bosco School Nursery please make sure that you have completed an application form and returned it to the school office by the closing date, Monday 13th January 2025. Application forms can be collected from the school office or downloaded from the school website (see the links below).
Reception Admissions
The deadline for on-time Reception 2025 school applications is Monday 13th January 2025.
We would love to show you round our lovely school so please contact the school office if you would like to arrange a visit on 0161 740 7094 or email
School Admissions
Information about school admissions can be found on the website of Manchester City Council. Please click on the link below:
Manchester City Council School Admissions
Information about school appeals can also be found on the website of Manchester City Council. Please click on the link below:
Manchester City Council School Appeals