Parent Updates
Friday 24th January 2025
Dear Parents and Carers,
We have had a lovely start to 2025! School is back into the full swing of things and everyone is enjoying their learning.
Thank you for your support during the time we had the power cut last week and closed the school, it is never an easy decision to close but it was unavoidable. I realise how inconvenient this would have been for you. The children were happy to be back in school on Monday and get back to normal.
We are all looking forward to celebrating the Jubilee Year starting with our launch day tomorrow.
The 2025 Jubilee Year, also known as the "Pilgrims of Hope" Jubilee, is a Catholic celebration that begins on December 24, 2024 and ends on January 6, 2026.
What is the Jubilee Year?
- A special year of grace in the Catholic Church
- A time for renewal and forgiveness in one's relationship with God
- A time when the faithful can ask for the forgiveness of sins.
The four colours on the Jubilee logo are our house colours too and it was lovely to see everyone wearing them in our special Jubilee launch assembly today.
The children will then be doing different activities in class celebrating the Jubilee and learning what the Jubilee means.
We will be receiving the ‘Jubilee anchor’ that is being passed around schools in our Diocese after half term. We will receive it from Our Lady’s High School and 3 days later pass it on Mount Carmel Primary School.
You are all invited to a ‘Jubilee Stay and Pray’ in the hall after school on Tuesday 28th January at 3.15pm. Our Advent ‘Stay and Pray’ was a lovely calming, reflective event and I would urge you to come and experience it on Tuesday with you child. It will be led by some of our Guardian Angels team.
Young Carers
Our Young Carers attended their first ‘Young Carers Club’ this week. They had a great time talking to each other about how they care for their siblings or parents and did some lovely nurturing, well being activities.
This will take place weekly to support our Young Carers. If you think your child is a Young Carer for a sibling or adult, please get in touch with Mrs Webster for a chat and more information about this.
Other events coming up...
27.1.25- Year 2 visiting Heaton Park as part of their history topic.
28.1.25- Jubilee Stay and Pray 3.15pm in the hall. Everyone invited
29.1.25- Ks1 classes are having a talk and workshop by Biffa about recycling.
31.1.25- St John Bosco Feast Day. We will be celebrating our Saint by wearing non- uniform, having a special assembly, having a special lunch and engaging in St John Bosco related activities throughout the day.
3rd- 9th February is Children’s Mental Health Week – the focus is ‘Know Yourself, Grow Yourself’. We will be doing short activities each day with the children to develop their mental health and give them strategies to improve their mental health.
This is an excellent website and there are lots of resources on there to support familes with Mental Health.
7.2.25- NSPCC Number day- There is lots of research that proves doing something charitable has a positive effect on your mental Health. The National Society for the Prevention of Child Cruelty is a charity that is close to our heart. Your children can come dressed in their own clothes and donate £1 towards this brilliant charity. If your child has any clothing with numbers on, they could wear those. We will be doing number related activities throughout the day and learning about the charity we are supporting.
The website has some excellent resources on for support for parents . See link below...
11.2.25- Safer Internet day- Safer Internet Day is celebrated to raise awareness of emerging online issues and concerns, from cyberbullying to social network misinformation and digital security. We will be teaching the children to keep them self safe on the internet. The theme this year is ‘Too good to be true?’
Please click on the link below for support and guidance regarding Safer Internet use for parents.
12.2.25- Jubilee Prayer Trail in school
14.2.25- Break up for Half Term.
24.2.25- Back to school
25.2.25- Choir at the Young Voices concert at Co-op live.
Thank you for your continuing support,
Love and prayers,
Mrs Pearson