Laudato Si' Crew
Welcome to our Laudato Si' Crew Page.

The Team

What do we do?
Our Laudato Si Crew do a fabulous job around school, helping us all to look after our environment.
Our Laudato Si team is made up of children from each ks2 classes. We do support KS1 and EYFS to be apart of the crew when we are completing a project. They meet to decide how we can look after God's amazing gifts in our school, around our local community and around the World.
Pope Francis calls us to have a ‘common care, for our common home.’ The Laudato Si Crew remind us of the importance of saving energy by turning off the lights when we leave a room and the water taps when we have finished washing our hands. They encourage us to reuse and recycle paper in school and are looking at ways we can become even more sustainable.
They are working hard to improve our school grounds alongside members of the Gardening Club and also our Laudato Si Champion Margaret.