Wednesday Word

Each week, all children and families have access to the Wednesday Word. These are added to the website page and the R.E. blog. This is a newsletter based on the Gospel in church that week.  It is for families to share the Word of God together at home.

Some of the key aims of The Wednesday Word include:

  • To serve the Catholic dioceses of England and Wales and further the mission of the Catholic Church’s new evangelisation by enabling schools to spread the Word of God (Sunday’s Gospel).

  • To spread the Good News to primary school parents, carers and their families.

  • To make real the Diocesan mission statement: “taking to heart the last words of the Lord Jesus, we will go into the world to proclaim the Good News to the whole of creation.”

  • To create a new form of lively weekly contact between the Church and parents which includes a weekly invitation to the celebration of the Eucharist whilst their child is connected to the life of the Catholic school.

  • To help school parents and families to draw closer to Christ and his Church by educating them about scripture and Catholic faith through The Wednesday Word ensuring that all supporting material is overseen by Catholic scripture scholars.

  • To strengthen the school’s Catholic ethos and promote this new way of collaborative ministry which enhances the home, school and parish

    partnership and encourages Christian unity in mixed denominational school families through a shared reflection on the Gospel.

  • To create a new weekly opportunity for Christ centered family conversation, evening prayer and relationships to be strengthened through The Wednesday Word a “Sunday Gospel Family Time” which is based on the Benedictine prayer custom of Lectio Divina.

Check out this week's Wednesday word here

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