What is PSHE Education?

‘Personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE education) is a planned programme of learning opportunities and experiences that help children and young people grow and develop as individuals, as members of families and of social and economic communities.’ (PSHE Association)

PSHE uniquely aims to develop the whole child including their knowledge, understanding, skills, strategies, beliefs, values and attributes.


St John Bosco RC Primary School use the Manchester Healthy Schools I Matter Version 3 curriculum. 


St John Bosco and Manchester Healthy Schools believe that every school should have a robust PSHE provision, tailoring to the needs of their young people in their communities. All young people should have access to high-quality PSHE resources and health information.

Our PHSE lessons cover the following areas:

• Mental and Emotional Health

• Keeping Safe

• Healthy Lifestyles

• Living in the Wider World. 

Each term, Years 1- 6 have 3 PHSE lessons using the MHS resources and lesson plans. The lessons are informative and engaging. 

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